

  • PENDING - Not completed reservation with the price lock

  • CREATED - The reservation

  • CANCELED - Canceled by the client's order or system due to non-payment.

  • ABANDONED - The client didn't show up (by the parking operator)

  • CONFIRMED - The client's arrival has been confirmed (by the parking operator)

  • COMPLETED - The reservation has been completed

The CONFIRMED or COMPLETED statuses are likely achievable at an incorrect time, as NextPark focuses on collecting reservations, not processing them.


  • ONLINE - The online payment by the client

  • OFFLINE - The offline payment by the client on the parking spot

  • PARTNER - The online payment by the partner

  • DEFERRED - The deferred payment (Partner is responsible for collecting payment)

  • DISCOUNTED - The online payment by the client with a partner discount

Vehicle Types

  • CAR - The vehicle below 5m

  • BUS - The vehicle above 5m

  • MOTO - The motorcycle


  • BusParking - Parking has places for vehicle types: BUS

  • MotoParking - Parking has places for vehicle types: MOTO

  • DirectParking - Parking directly in the associated place

  • OfficialParking - The official parking of the associated place

  • HasTransfer - The parking has a transfer service

  • FreeTransfer - The transfer service is included

  • CardPayment - The parking has a card payment option on the spot

  • CashPayment - The parking has a cash payment option on the spot

  • Monitoring - The parking is monitored

  • AllTimeStaff - The parking has 24/7 service

  • ElectricCharger - The parking has an electric charger

  • Illuminated - The parking is illuminated

  • Inside - The parking is covered

  • Fenced - The parking has a fence

  • InsuredInvoiced - The parking issue invoices

  • CollectKeys - The parking collects the vehicle keys


  • PLN

  • EUR

  • CZK

  • GBP

  • USD

  • HRK

Place Types

  • CITY





We use ISO 3166-1

Last updated